The Media Minefield Blog

Stay up-to-date on earned media, social media, digital advertising, crisis communications and other PR industry trends.

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3 Tips for Sharing a Business Leader’s Story on Social Media

October 11, 2021

The job of a CEO is often a mystery, and people are fascinated by it. Maybe they aspire to be a CEO...

Why it Pays to Unlock the Power of Your Story

September 10, 2021

As a team of trained journalists, creatives and social storytellers, Media Minefield plays a unique...

News Industry Insight: When to Expect a Return to Normal

July 23, 2021

After more than a year spent on Zoom, our clients have nailed the nuances of virtual interviews. In...

How I’m Fighting Employee Burnout With Mandated Days Off

June 8, 2021

It's an understatement to say the pandemic radically changed the tenuous balance between our...

Why You Need a Specialized Approach to PR

May 6, 2021

If you were suffering from a chronic health condition like vertigo or asthma, you wouldn’t go see a...

Guide to Becoming a Thought Leader

March 8, 2021

When we ask clients about their goals, one of the first things we hear is a desire to become a...