The Media Minefield Blog

Stay up-to-date on earned media, social media, digital advertising, crisis communications and other PR industry trends.

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Are You Prepared to DIY Your PR Plan?

December 2, 2020

These days there is a YouTube video or MasterClass for almost everything. The “do-it-yourself”...

How to Determine Your Personal SEO Score

July 16, 2020

No matter your position or age, you are a CEO: The CEO of your own brand. Businesses spend billions...

Crisis Communication Best Practices

April 7, 2020

The Secret to Social Media: Posting with Purpose

January 28, 2020

We all know that content is king, especially on social media. However, many brands still struggle...

Earned, Owned and Paid Media: What’s the Difference?

November 4, 2019

Do you understand the differences between earned, owned and paid media? Most business owners and...

How to Build a Positive Online Presence

June 5, 2019

Here at Media Minefield, it seems like we are always talking about brand. Our brand, our clients’...