Kristi Piehl

Founder & CEO

5 Questions to Ask Your PR Partner

May 4, 2023

Every company audits the services they receive. Your executive team regularly reviews your 401(k)...

4 Tips for Creating a Company Podcast

April 19, 2023

Whether it's potential customers or future employees, people look at more than just your website to...

Navigating Artificial Intelligence in Public Relations

March 31, 2023

There’s a reason the “R” in PR stands for relations. Relationships are the foundation of the...

It Pays to Have a Social CEO

February 28, 2023

A lot of resources are spent on a brand or company’s social media. Why isn’t more time spent on the

The Value of Trademarking and How We Protect Our Services

November 17, 2022

Name an industry that is known for guaranteeing results, trademarked processes and a return on...

The 4-Day Mindset: How One Company is Challenging the Status Quo

November 1, 2022

Do you ever wonder where the typical workweek comes from? It goes back nearly 100 years to the days...