The Media Minefield Blog

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Public Relations

4 Tips for Engaging New Hires

July 22, 2024

You only have one opportunity to make a first impression. This adage is true in my agency’s...

3 Reasons Every Brand Needs Public Relations

June 17, 2024

Some leaders consider public relations as a strategy to deploy during particularly positive or...

3 Tips To Measure PR Success

May 28, 2024

Public relations success relies on first identifying your goals. Not every media interview, blog or...

Media Minefield Makes National Waves with Awards, Client Achievements

January 15, 2024

Media Minefield is celebrating an award-winning year with national success for its clients while...

Value of Including Earned Media in PR Plans & How to Measure Success

January 2, 2024

"Help, I'm confused." Odds are that is the sentiment of many marketing professionals.

Why an External PR Firm is an Asset to Your Internal Team

December 13, 2023

Communication is arguably the most important part of any business in today’s world. Internal...